Medical Care in Lisbon

Call Emergency Number: 112

Are you coming to Lisbon and concerned with your health? Well, you can rest assured that Lisbon can provide the best in medical care.

Most hotels have contracts with clinics or private companies that most of the time have duty medical staff speaking your native tongue.

But even those that don't have any kind of agreement will be able to direct you to a competent medical service.

Even in public hospitals, and there are quite a few in Lisbon, you will find excellent modern conditions and a good medical service.
Many of the private companies that deal with hotels offer medical assistance on site, providing a fast and quality service.

List of some of the most central Hospitals:

Dona Estefânia Hospital
Address: Rua Jacinto Marto, 1169, Lisboa
Contacts: 213 126 600

Santa Marta Hospital
Address: Rua de Santa Marta, 51, 1150 Lisboa
Contacts: 213 594 000

São José Hospital
Address: Rua Jose António Serrano, 1150 Lisboa
Contacts: 218 841 267

Egas Moniz Hospital
Address: Rua da Junqueira, 126, 1300 Lisboa
Contacts: 213 643 227

Santa Maria Hospital
Address: Avenida Professor Egas Moniz, 1649 - 035 Lisboa
Contacts: 217 805 000

Pulido Valente Hospital
Address: Alameda das Linhas de Torres, 117, 1769 - 001 Lisboa
Contacts: 217 805 000

São Francisco Xavier Hospital
Address: Estrada do Forte do Alto do Duque 1495-005 Lisboa
Contacts: 210 431 000

Curry Cabral Hospital
Address: Rua da Beneficiência, 8, 1069 - 639 Lisboa
Contacts: 217 924 200


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